I just wanted to update everyone onthe goings on in the Perry room-hold. Yes we are currently still in the Navy Lodge here at Naval Base Yokosuka. But the light at the end of the tunnel is swiftly approaching. We are going to move into our new house on Friday the 21st of July. I know this about a month after we arrived here, but with work being as demanding as it has been, it's been hard to schedule a time to make this happen.
However; we have not just been sitting in our rooms waiting for life to happen to us. The first weekend we were here we went Hiratsuka to the Star Festival. Talk about a lot of people. One of my co-workers keeps a great blog site about his adventures in Japan, and he takes incredible pictures of the experiences too. You can check that out at:
Last week we went to the mandatory Area Orientation Brief/Inter Cultural Relations workshop, and part of that is going out in town and riding the train somewhere and then talking about it the next days. Kristin and I decided to go up to Yokohama, which isn't all that far, but it involved getting a transfer ticket to ride multiple lines. Not a big deal really, but for Kristin and I it was a new thing. But easy once it was all said and done. During our outing we ran into another couple who were going to the same place, and believe it or not they were newer than us. We helped them out (We at least knew how to buy a train ticket.) and we ended spending the rest of the day together. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I didn't bring the camera. But I was able to take some pictures with the cell phone.
And that is the picture of the Landmark tower that we went to the top of. It was 1,000 yen, but well worth it.
That's it for right now. I'll post a couple for cell phone pictures right now as well. (From our trip to Yokohama.)
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