Sunday, May 08, 2005

Seabee Warriors all, both Army and Navy!

Another Happy Mother's day Wish. Can you guess which tiny figure is me? Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005


Hey everyone,
As you can see from the previous post Mother's Day has been on my mind. Not only for the fact that I want to recognize my own mother for the joyous fact that she my mother, but more so this year for my wife, who is now a mother soon to enjoy her first Mother's Day. This is very important to her, and rightly so. She gets to celebrate the fact that now, she too is a mother.

So I salute you Mothers out there, but most of all I salute my wife, who is everything I could ever dream of and more, as the woman of my dreams, and the mother of our son, and my best friend.

Now for a quick update. It has actually been cold here the last couple of nights. Of course cold is relative, and 47 is pretty cold here. Since the last little update I have had the chance to get off base and see some of the countryside. It's not as desolate as I thought it would be here. There is a tremendous amount of agriculture from central Iraq northward.

That's about it. Mom, I did get your little message. If your email is messed up, but you still have access to the internet, signup for a Yahoo account. Free, simple, and easy.

Have a good one everyone.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!! Posted by Hello