Friday, October 14, 2005

So I'm sitting in my office....

.... eating my breakfast of a Harvet Bar and a cup of coffee, pondering the secrets of the Universe. (Reading the funnies online) And it comes to me that I am going to be home relatively soon. How soon is hard to say as I've been bumped, dumped, resorted, and reprioritized a few times now. But that's not the point. The point is, that I am going to be going home to my beautiful little boy and wife sometime fairly soon.

Of course there are several tons of baggage that go along with that. I am very busy right now (well.... not this instant) with getting things ready for turnover. You know how it is, old guys leave, new guy come, new cusses the existence of the old guy because he forgot to pass some important secret of the job along. It's a tale as old as time itself.
In my case, there is project information to tunr over. There are last minute bills to pay, accounts to balance and get in order, and some last minute new project items to work out for the people who have to stay here. Oh, yeah, the funding justification for the buses too. How I love being the guardian of taxpayer money.

But I'll slog through this and press on as I always do. My ears will redden as the people who come to replce me curse my name and say what a worthless piece of jackal crap I am. But I don't think I will mind all that much. I am going home soon. Thay have a wonderful 6 months of Iraq to look forward too.


Boobs, Injuries and Dr. Pepper

Boobs, Injuries and Dr. Pepper

Read this Blog, it is hilarious. :-)

Rebecca's Blog

Rebecca's Blog
Check this blog out. My sister rocks!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The court was not exactly sand, and it wasn't all that soft. It hurt pretty badly the next day. Posted by Picasa

Saturday night volleyball. There were about 80 people at this cookout/volleyball tournement. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Kristin's Blog

Kristin's Blog

This is an interesting shrapnel pattern in the roof over my back door. This happened long ago, probably back during the war, but I see the sun streaming through it sometimes, and I think how interesting it looks. Posted by Picasa

This is the view from my back door. As you can see I have a little dirt garden going. I thought this particular morning was bright, clear, and cool. So I took a picture. Posted by Picasa