Tuesday, September 27, 2005

New comment posting procedure

I have just had my first run in with comment spammers, so I am turning on an option that BlogSpot has made available, and that is to make people who are posting a comment to verify they are actually a person and not some spambot.  This is done by simply typing in a series of letters that the system will show you.  Simple.  Sorry for this additional step to post, but we don’t need to see comments about someone’s Penis Pill site.  LOL

Volleyball in a K-span Building. Fun was had by all. Posted by Picasa

Extension Celebration Picnic

In light of the news that we have been extended to support our brother and sister Seabees in Gulfport in this difficult time, we decided to throw a party. So using one of the newly finished buildings that we built, we played volleyball and cooked hamburger, hotdogs, and chicken. I think a good time was had by all. Of course we couldn't break out the beer, but what can you do?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


We just found out to day that we are going to get extended on our deployment by 28 days or so. The troops weren't to surprised by this move, as we were warned about the possibility. But it's kind of a disappointment as we are SOOOO looking forward to going home.

But when you think about the hardships our sister Battalion, NMCB-133 is going through right now, its not a big deal. They have 80 members who do not have homes right now, and they are aiding in the storm clean up in Gulfport. So they haven't had the time they need to prepare for their mission here and other places. If they came right away they would not have a successful deployment.

This is me and my family's contribution to the hurricane relief effort. It is the least we can do for our brothers and sister in Gulfport.


This is the famed camel spider. Not really a spider at all. It's not even poisonous. Posted by Picasa