Damn, but it's been awhile since I have posted anything. It hard to think about what to write about when I post, because there is that delicate line you don't want to cross between when you can say and what you can't say about work. In the sporatic instances when I talk to Kristin she is constantly reminding me about things I mabe shouldn't be telling her, which in my case is very hard because of the fact that I typically tell her everything that goes on at home. It's yet another work dynamic that I just have to get used to.
I can talk about the basic work that I am doing, so I will vent just a little bit. We are over here helping the Iraqi people. I work with, and supervise several of them, and I feel that I have gotten to know the ones I work with pretty well. That being said, there is a strong trend of apathy from 75% of the people I work with over here. (The locals)
I know that is truly dismal outlook, but at times it gets pretty frustrating. All I can say is that the work around here is never dull. Too exciting at times, but never dull.
I have a contractor who is working on building a gray water pumping station for us. He catagorically refused to use my suggestion of using a precast concrete vault. He said he couldn't control the quality of concrete, and then the plant might mess up the pour and they would have to redo the structure. So he builds this brick outer jacket down in the hole, which is 4 meters deep. Then he ties his rebar, and builds his forms, and then orders concrete from the same batch plant that could have precast the thing in the forst place. LOL... The first trip the truck made out to the site, the contractor didn't have a vibrator. A whole load of concrete wasted. The next day everything was set. The truck came out and they poured, and whoops, there was a little failure of the forms. The boards started to bulge and break near the bottom of the structure.
That is a typical contractor here. They think they can do everything better and cheaper.
That's it for now.