Friday, June 10, 2005

Weird looking room mate. He didn't last that much longer though. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to shake out your clothes and shoes and sleeping bag everyday, OK?

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, bet a mess o' them little buggers would cook up real tasty if ya did it right. I'd suggest treatin' 'em just like a mess o' crawdaddys...and don't forget the melted butter for dippin'!!!

JPerry said...

It almost looks like it would cook up pretty good. From what I am told, they are a kind of cricket. I think this one just came out of the pupae stage though because of it's sluggish behavior.

Anonymous said...

Nothing I would want to step on in the middle of the night!!!

JPerry said...

Well Pam, my floor is made of a soft concrete that has been ground down. So it holds the dust very well. Therefore, I don't walk very far without putting my high speed, 83 cent flip flops on. Besides I'm more worried about the scorpians that might be in my room. This thing can't really bite or sting me, it just looks kind of creepy.

Rebecca said...

You are much braver than I am. I think the thought of scorpions in my bedroom is enough to keep me away from these places. I suppose after a few confrontations with these creatures you get a little more use to them.