Well folks... It's done. The long deployment to Iraq is finally over. I made it home on October 24th, and it was a wonderful homecoming indeed. Ronan, the little boy that he is didn't have any problems with me, and in fact jumped right into my arms. He didn't start calling me "Daddy" or anything, but he wasn't afraid of me. (I'm told that is a common problem with men who deploy.)
I was able to take the next couple of days off, and then on Friday it was back to work. We are in a new building and on a new computer network, so believe it or not there was quite a bit to do to get those of us who were back early online and get settled into our offices.
The following couple of weeks have been kind of strange with me getting used to having a little boy (vs a baby), and getting used to a regular work week. I have been able to get off of work by 1500 almost everyday now. That's pretty crazy compared to life in Baghdad, in which I was working from 0700 til 2200 on most nights.
It has been an adjustment. I do find myself missing my weapon, just because it was such a steady attachment on my hip. I miss SOME of the people as well. But for the most part I don't miss being gone at all. I do miss seeing the project progress like it was. And I certainly do hope that it continues to progress as our relief gets comfy in their homes for the next 5 months. (they have a shorter deployment.)
As always my thoughts are with those who are still over there. Stay safe Michael.