I actually ran out side today for the first time in a couple of months. I think we are through the worst of the summer heat over here. I have been noticing that my walk to the gym in the morning has been accompanied with a slight feeling of chill. So last week, I decided that I would start running outside again.
Of course I haven’t been running at all in the gym. There are three treadmills, but alas, all we have here is the Iraqi gym, or rather the shared gym. And with the Iraqi soldiers using the treadmills, they do not last that long. Of course the fact that they were probably factory seconds, or what we would call seconds in the states doesn’t help anything. So the last of three treadmills gave up the ghost last month sometime. So I have been doing my thing on the elliptical. Sure you can burn some calories on those things, but it’s easier for some reason than running.
So I went outside this morning, and it was comfortably cool outside. The air had the typical Baghdad malaise in it, but the birds were chirping away cheerfully. (You have to love the birds)
I ran for a grand total of 26 minutes. I little more actually. My knees are not going to thank me later today. I think they actually rebel. We’ll see though.
A couple of the Iraqi platoons were having their morning football match out behind the HLZ like they always do, and there were a couple other American soldiers running the .6 mile running look with me.
I didn’t turn an ankle, or otherwise hurt myself, so I’m glad for that.
The morning was beautiful, and blue, and hazy, so I guessing that day is going to be ever so hot and scorching.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Time Keeps On Slipping
Can you believe it. I am inside the 8 weeks mark to coming home finally. I don't want to take anything away from my Army friends, who have to do 12 month deployments by the way, but it's almost been a half a year since I left Port Hueneme that dark April morning.
Everyday brings me closer to my beautiful wife, and unbearably cute little boy.
My family is going to be getting together this week in Portland to visit and see each other, and I am very jealous because of all the good time I am going to miss with these great people who happen to be family.
I just thought I would share this wonderful revelation with everyone.
Everyday brings me closer to my beautiful wife, and unbearably cute little boy.
My family is going to be getting together this week in Portland to visit and see each other, and I am very jealous because of all the good time I am going to miss with these great people who happen to be family.
I just thought I would share this wonderful revelation with everyone.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Red Skys All Around

Well, I know I said I would post a picture a day thing. I guess that's either to much work for my schedule, or I just don't have what it takes to be a daily poster. Lately its been taking a long time to look at anything having to do with the internet. I'm guessing it has something to do with the weather. Last night sometime, a nice north-westerly wind blew in and brought its friend, the dust with it.
As you can see from this picture, which was taken at 0830 this morning, the day did not dawn bright and cheerful. I have not messed with the color of this picture at all either. It was kind of like being on Mars or something.
That's it for now.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
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